Suzy B Software 2
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* STatus Disk Magazine *
* Issue 1, Volume 1 *
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* STatus Disk Magazine *
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Assembly Language Tutorial
Graphics, Part One: Higher Level/GEM usage
One of my aspirations is the make a video game. Whether
or not people percieve the Atari ST/Mega line as game
machines to me is irrelevant, because to me, entertainment is
one of the top uses of any computer I buy.
Now keeping this in mind, remember, I'm probably as much
a beginner in assembly programming as anyone who is reading
this. So what makes me able to teach anyone?
Well, nothing actually, except that I'm learning it WITH
you! The code in this article may not be the most efficient,
and if you have any helpful hints or tips, forward them to
me. The reason I think this will all be more fun and
interesting is because I will take the time to help the
beginners while trying to push the vanguard with some of the
more dedicated hackers.
Okay, enough prattling, let's get down to business.
The first thing I am going to say is this: Until I can
find some good documentation on the use of VRT_CPYFM ( the
transparent raster copy ), I cannot say that multi-color
sprite-like graphics is impossible, but it sure is NOT easy!
Many options can be tried: You can try using the Line-A
sprites and "layering" them, you can try the Line-A BitBlk
routine, or, if it is indeed possible, layer rasters using
the vrt_cpyfm function (VDI opcode is 121) but the obvious
problem is defining a single color source, which is something
I decided to forego. Judging from the demands players today
place on the computer game, it is most likely that in the
ST world, programmers have been using their own customized
routines which handle the graphics in a sprite-like manner.
But what about getting our feet wet and mucking around
with some of the higher level raster functions first? Let's
do it!
I chose to use vro_cpyfm for this program ( which is
contained in RUN_MAN.ARC ), since I wanted to keep it simple
and allow for learning the necessary criteria for making a
"blit". The reason it is so simple for what we're doing is
that we're literally booting up a DEGAS picture into an area
of memory, and getting the images we want from a series of
drawings in it, and vro_cpyfm will handle all four bit-planes
with a single call.
The first thing I always do within a program like this
is use the GEM m_alloc call to set aside memory for my
graphic screens. In this case we need at least 96000 bytes,
since we have two screens which are going to be "flipped" so
as not to have flickering animation, and a third screen which
contains the raster data we're using.
The next thing is to set the resolution. When you use
GEM and set the resolution to a new value within the program,
dialog boxes, alert boxes, drop downs, etc... all still work
in the original resolution. But for this program, with none
of that in use, it really doesn't matter!
Booting up a DEGAS picture is quite easy. The format of
a DEGAS pic is:
2 bytes - resolution
32 bytes - palette (the RGB values of the 16 colors)
32000 bytes - screen data
32 bytes - animation information, used by DEGAS
Elite only.
The total length of the file is 32034 bytes in original
DEGAS format, and 32066 bytes in DEGAS Elite, Uncompressed
format. Looking at the source code, you can see how I go
about booting the picture in and setting the palette
properly. I have written macros that open the file ( f_open),
move the file pointer ( f_seek ), read from the file
( f_read ), and close the file ( f_close ). All of these
correspond to the proper GEMDOS calls. If you wish to delve
into files and how to handle them, examine the macros as they
are well commented.
Now here is the good part. According to every book on
how to do a raster copy, you have to set up MFDBs. Some
people look at the abbreviation and immediately enter
catatonic shock and one friend of mine actually stopped using
his ST and began chanting meaningless things about how his
C128 was never like this....
MFDBs are simply Memory Form Definition Blocks. The
name is still complicated enough that most people think they
will need a bullwhip and a fedora to deal with the
programming aspect of it in assembly.
This is where the C user starts to giggle and whips out
his TYPE DEF STRUCT command...
Well, here's all you need to do to define an MFDB, and
its there in my code:
MFDB: name of the MFDB for our purposes
address ds.l 1 address of the screen data for
to associate with this MFDB
widthnpix ds.w 1 width of the raster image in
pixels. ALWAYS 320 in low rez,
or 640 in medium and high rez.
heightnpix ds.w 1 height of the raster in pixels,
which is 200 in low or medium
rez, and 400 in high rez.
widthnwords ds.w 1 the widthnpix divided by 16.
formflag ds.w 1 the form flag, usually 1,
according to the DevPac ST
numofplanes ds.w 1 number of bit planes in raster.
4 = low rez
2 = medium rez
1 = monochrome
reserved ds.w 3 three reserved words, set to 0.
Essentially, its ideal to set up all your MFDBs to be
identical except for the address of the screen. All of these
parameters are easily either calculated or returned from GEM
inquiry functions if your program must be adaptable.
However, none of that really will matter with trying to
move a little guy across your SC1224...
Now, when messing with with the MFDB, you'll set the
values to whatever is appropriate. In my code, you'll see I
set that up before I begin messing with the actual raster
copying. Also, in case you're wondering, all the MFDB really
holds are parameters for the screens you're copying either
from or to. Easily enough done.
But wait...don't you want to tell it WHERE to get and
send all this graphic data? That's where the PTSIN arrays
come in. This is actually quite easy, and the format is as
PTSIN - x coordinate of upper left corner, source
PTSIN+2 - y coordinate of " " " " " " "
PTSIN+4 - x coordinate of lower right corner,
PTSIN+6 - y coordinate of lower right corner,
PTSIN+8 to PTSIN+14 are the same parameters, but apply
to the destination raster. Essentially, to copy from a
raster whose coordinates are (200,100,231,131) to another
location, such as (26,92,57,123), you'd set it up like:
move.w #200,ptsin
move.w #100,ptsin+2
move.w #231,ptsin+4
move.w #131,ptsin+6
move.w #26,ptsin+8
move.w #92,ptsin+10
move.w #57,ptsin+12
move.w #123,ptsin+14
There is another parameter to worry about also. That
is, the raster mode. To make it short and sweet, none of
this really helps you if you're trying to make them handle
like sprites. Mode #6 is good for a single raster that you
want to erase by ANDing it with itself, but on a screen full
of objects, some of which will overlap, you may want to
confine yourself to mode #3 for displaying it, and mode #0
for erasing it. Or, you can even perform a v_clrwk as long
as you know that what you want to erase is on the logical
Now for the juicy part...
If you look at the DEGAS picture, you'll see the man is
in different parts of the screen. We want to cycle back
and forth between the rasters used, and the way to do that is
to associate each step in the "cycle" with one of the
possible rasters and its coordinates. That could get
complicated, so I split it into two sections. One loop goes
through all the rasters from left to right, and the second
one goes back ( right to left ) through all but the raster
farthest left and the raster farthest right in the image.
The reason is simple: The first loop shows those two images
already, so if we did it twice, those images would appear
TWICE, not once, like all the others.
As all of this is happening, we have adding to the x
coordinates of where to put the image on screen. If we
don't, he'll appear to be running in place. As we add to
that, each loop either will add or subtract the x coordinates
of where to look for the proper raster to display as well!
This effectively cycles the necessary rasters while moving
the destination across the screen, from left to right.
Now, how do we make all of this flicker-free? We all
know that the supposed graphic wunderkind, the Amiga,
flickers! And the last thing you need is to have your ST
flicker like an Amiga! So.... looking in my loops, you'll
note that after I set up the proper x coordinates into the
ptsin arrays for the source and destination rasters, I copy
the raster to the LOGICAL screen, which is NOT being shown.
Once it is shown, I can erase the previous screen, which is
now the logical screen with a v_clrwk. To make sure none of
this occurs before the screen I want is displayed, I do a
XBCALL #37,2, which, to my macros, is just saying to perform
XBIOS 37 and fix the stack by 2 bytes. XBIOS 37 is the
V_sync call and its purpose is to stall things until the VBL
( vertical blank ). This assures you that you'll have
flicker-free animation.
Some obvious improvements can be made in this code. I
could, for example, do comparisons and determine the proper
source raster from that, so as not to use two seperate,
distinct loops within a larger loop ( which essentially
keeps the whole thing going coherently! ). If you want to,
you can make him run faster or slower by usign more XBCALL
#37,2 's in that section. Right now, he runs pretty fast...